
from cathpy.core import error as err

raise err.OutOfBoundsError('error message')

CATH exception classes

exception cathpy.core.error.DuplicateSequenceError

More than one sequence in an alignment has the same id

exception cathpy.core.error.FileEmptyError

File is empty.

exception cathpy.core.error.GapError

Exception raised when trying to find residue information about a gap position.

exception cathpy.core.error.GeneralError

General Exception class within the cathpy package.

exception cathpy.core.error.HttpError

Problem getting/sending data over HTTP

exception cathpy.core.error.InvalidInputError

Exception raised when an error is encountered due to incorrect input.

exception cathpy.core.error.JsonError

Problem parsing JSON

exception cathpy.core.error.MergeCheckError

Exception raised when an error is encountered when checking the merge.

exception cathpy.core.error.MergeCorrespondenceError(*, seq_id, aln_type, seq_type, ref_no_gaps, corr_no_gaps)

Exception raised when failing to match correspondence sequences during alignment merge.

exception cathpy.core.error.MissingExecutableError

Missing an external executable.

exception cathpy.core.error.MissingGroupsimError

Failed to find groupsim executable

exception cathpy.core.error.MissingLockError

Missing a lock object.

exception cathpy.core.error.MissingScoreconsError

Failed to find scorecons executable

exception cathpy.core.error.MissingSegmentsError

Exception raised when segment information is missing.

exception cathpy.core.error.NoMatchesError

No matches.

exception cathpy.core.error.OutOfBoundsError

Exception raised when code has moved outside expected boundaries.

exception cathpy.core.error.ParamError

Incorrect parameters.

exception cathpy.core.error.ParseError

Failed to parse information.

exception cathpy.core.error.SeqIOError

General Exception class within the SeqIO module

exception cathpy.core.error.TooManyMatchesError

Found more matches than expected.